Illustration Friday - SCALE

Scales, numbers, all of these rule our world, so, which medium best to graphic this topic? Illustrator!. This time I developed my work in base of vectors, lines, curves, paths, planes and soft colours.
Escalas, números, el mundo entero regido por ellos.Que medio mejor para graficar este tema que... Ilustrator!. Estas vez desarrollé mi trabajo en base a vectores, líneas, curvas, planos y armónicos colores.

Tools: Illustrator


Brine Blank said…
very elegant...nice repetition throughout and placement of elements...
what a beauty! if your forte is illustrator.. eh i may be old school but im more of the ms paint gal. maybe you can come visit and see my contribution for this week..
screenpainter said…
Fantastic work! Loved your Grow illustration also. Extreme talent!
Thanks for your comments! I had the oportunity to see the work you do in your sites.. All of you are amazing illustrators!!. Glad to be part of the Illustration Friday community.

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